Educator Resources

Evaluating & Improving CTE Programs in Your School

Resources that can be used to strengthen CTE

Since IL does not have a defined set of State CTE Standards YET, our office  recommends evaluating HS CTE programs using the following IL-based tools:

How well does your school implement IL Essential Employability Skills in CTE classes?

**A great way to evaluate and improve this is by reviewing your implementation of SEL.  Use this CROSSWALK to help you meet the needs of your students.

 Essential Skills & ISBE SEL Standards Crosswalk - Unit Planning - Template

We also suggest that schools use the Program Quality Review Tools to help evaluate and improve CTE programs....This review process will be required by ISBE through EFE Offices in the near future.

CTE PQR Fillable Template

More detailed information on PQR is on the ISBE Career and Technical Education website,,  Under Programs Of Study at the bottom of the page.  The PQR is currently in Pilot mode, but many of these questions are now being asked of schools in a bi-annual Local Needs Assessment.

Other resources that can be used to strengthen CTE

Common Career Technical Core (CCTC)  set by the ACTE.   CCTC Standards overview are here.

Common Career Technical Core by clusters from ACTE are HERE.

Lots of information can be found on the ACTE website,

Career Ready Practices Highlights ACTE's research for 12 Career Readiness skills that should be included in Academic and CTE classes for all students.

Industry-Based Standards used by ACTE in Evaluating CTE Standards are found starting on page 4 of this document. This table lists the Organizations referenced for specific standards and are not all-encompassing of the CTE Programs offered.

Resources for Teaching Online

This information has been moved to our Digital Resources Page

ACTE - Learning that Works Resource Center

This site  contains a lot of information on CTE including  Access and Equity, Credentials, Data, Community Engagement, Perkins, Work-based Learning and so much more.  Check it out here: 

Teach Workplace Experience (Cooperative Education)

NOTE:  The WECO endorsement mentioned below is now available! Teachers can add the endorsement at any time or add it when they renew their license.

FY2021 is the last year for what is known as Cooperative Education - this is being replaced with "Workplace Experience" 

Co-op teachers who have taken the two courses in cooperative instruction will be grandfathered in and can continue to teach this course. PEL licensed Ag teachers are qualified to teach this course.


Eastern Illinois University - (Co-op) Workplace  Experience courses should be taught by CTE-endorsed teachers or SVE teachers who have taken the two university courses on Organization and Instruction and Coordination Techniques as required for the new ISBE endorsement.  See the below information on Summer courses:

Eastern Illinois University will be offering the two courses required for the endorsement in Workplace Experience Coordinator (WECO).  The two courses will be online and each class is 3 semester hours of graduate credit.  

CTE 4913 - Organization and Administration of Cooperative Occupational Education – 3 SH 

CTE 4923 - Coordination Techniques for Cooperative Occupational Education – 3 SH 

 To enroll: Registration will start during mid-March 2023 for Summer session. 

New graduate admissions- 

Returning EIU graduate students- 


 Students can work on the materials at their own pace, but there are established deadlines for the assignments.  The deadlines are outlined so it is easy for students to plan and organize the materials to complete both classes during the six weeks. Due to students' schedules in the summer, there are no weekly discussions or assignments that require students to sign in on specific days or at specific times.

The two online graduate courses will cost $2,541.06 plus the $30 graduate school application fee (if you are not currently in a graduate program at EIU). The textbook is included in this cost since EIU uses Textbook Rental. 

If you are interested in registering for the courses and are not a current EIU graduate student, you will need to apply to the Graduate School ( and indicate you are not seeking a degree (non-degree) on the application materials.  If you have any questions about this, Tracey Hutchison (listed on the bottom of the webpage provided) is an excellent resource.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale - SIU will be offering the two Cooperative Education Courses for Summer 2022.  Both courses are online and will run concurrently, beginning on June 13, 2022.   Contact Ronda below or  reach out to our office for the flyer and application.

Ronda Koch may be reached at if you have any questions.

Illinois State University - ISU is again offering their two Cooperative Education Courses for Summer 2021.  These on-line courses are required by the Teacher of Record if a district wishes to receive CTE funding for student enrollment in their Coop class. As you are aware, ISU has an outstanding track record of graduating high quality Secondary teachers who are well equipped with lessons ready to teach on day one. These two courses provide the legality and lesson plans needed for Instructors teaching Cooperative Education at the Secondary level and are $184 less than our competitor. These courses run concurrently, with the first starting June 1st (BE 480); and the second starting June 21st (BE 482)

Interested teachers can register by visiting and follow the registration prompts. Feel free to contact our office if you have any registration questions. We can be reached at (309) 693-7373.

Career Development and Work-based Learning

Would you like to watch an overview video on supporting career exploration and workplace experience?  Check out the video here (TBA).  Check out the presentation here.

A Career Development Toolkit has been created by NIU EdSystems for use at the secondary and post-secondary level.  This has some information on how to start or enhance your classroom's career development experience.  Career Development is a part of the PaCE framework for College and Career Readiness.

Check out the resource here:

CE and CDE Resource Hub - Use this Hub to get ideas and brainstorm activities for ways to improve your work-based learning activities with students.

Be sure to use ISBE's Work-Based Learning Manual for guidance and ideas. Click HERE to view it.

ISBE - Career and Technical Education Website

This is the link to ISBE's CTE webpage.  Click the link to view curriculum resources, the new Career Guide, course codes and descriptions, and many other items. 

Employability Skills for Students

Educators in EIEFES 340 districts have access to the Realityworks Essential Employability Skills Online Program through FY2026 through a partnership with Lake Land College!  Visit the iCTE Sessions webpage to view the session recording on how to implement this program into your classroom.  Also, check out Realtyworks' website for the Program Content and Curriculum as well as additional implementation resources.

Contact Courtney Conlin for information on how you can get an account

Login to your account at 

Check out Skills to Pay the Bills! This is a great, free PDF document from the US Department of Labor.

Curriculum Resources

ILCTE - Curriculum guides created by Teachers for Teacher.  View the content HERE.  Want to contribute to the lessons?  Contact Rod Mc Quality at 

Industrial Tech Resources shared at Ind Tech Forum April 14, 2021 - view here

FACS Resources Shared at FACS Forum on April 21, 2021 - view here

IL Association of Career and Technical Education (IACTE)

We encourage all CTE Educators and Leaders to join the state Association at  This state organization leads many great professional development sessions and is the main hub for CTE in Illinois.  With your state membership, you can join your specific affiliate organization such as FCCLA, FBLA, HOSA, ITEA and more.  Collaboration is the heart of CTE in IL!  Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Advisory and Stakeholder Engagement Resources

Be sure to check out our iCTE session on creating an advisory board on our iCTE Sessions page

Middle School CTE Resources

There are several resources available to districts for use with 5-8 students.  Our office has some grant funds that can be used for CTE classes or career exploration activities for students in grades 5-8.  CTE classes and career exploration classes must be taught by a CTE endorsed teacher and align with one or more programs as the HS level to qualify for funding - contact our office with questions.

Computer Science Courses

With the new statewide Computer Science requirement - ISBE has issued a Computer Science Crosswalk to help schools determine if a course currently taught in their district qualifies.

Check out the ISBE form HERE.

Credentials for Students

Credential Engine and their credential finder service can help you find the credential that is right for your program.  It will share information on assessments, careers, competencies and more.

Our office has grant funds available to help you certify your students - these may include OSHA safety, MOS , NIMS, ECE and more.  Contact our office to inquire!

Meeting the Needs of Differently Abled Students

It is important for all educators to keep the needs of all learners in mind when designing the delivery methods of curriculum.  These websites provide a wide variety of tools and resources to meet the needs of special populations students

Learning Designed

IL Center for Specialized Professional Support

Do you need a specific safety sign for your classroom?  Visit:  

There are lots of options to choose from!