Digital Learning
Online Resources for Educators
Using Technology Resources:
IDEA (IL Digital Educators Association, Formerly ICE) has a site set up with a ton of free resources and they are offering "office hours" where you can log in and chat with experts.
The Learning and Technology Center of IL provides free tech help in a variety of ways for all teachers and schools in Illinois.
PD for Teachers on providing Virtual Learning - Free and self paced - The National Research Center for CTE referenced this Georgia resource:
Richard Byrne has a great site for everyday technology needs in all grades and all subjects. Be sure to subscribe to his newsletter!
General Resources:
The Regional Office of Education offers a wide variety of professional development opportunities for educators in the region. Check out their website for the latest
This site was created in response to COVID 19 by many educational partners such as ISTE and Education Week .
TED talks for students - listen and reflect.
Website created by Laura Roberts, Print Technology Teacher at Mattoon High School. She has put together a site filled with resources for remote teaching.
Free online lessons in all subjects and all grade levels from the non-profit Common Sense.
Illinois Open Educational Resources - Many resources on a wide variety of topics for all subject areas and all needs.
IL Technology and Learning Center has created a flip book with 60+ resources for educators. You can find it HERE.
Teach From Home is a new site from Google Schools to share information on tools teachers and staff can use to stay in touch and productive. Visit them at
CTE Resources:
MyCAERT -The IL Core curriculum is available to all Illinois CTE teachers at All of the resources have FREE access in Illinois. 335 brand new lessons have just been released. Follow MyCAERT on Facebook for helpful hints.
Business and Personal Finance lessons from the U of I for Ag and Business Programs.
EVERFI digital learning resources focus on the skills needed for life — skills in social-emotional learning, health and wellness, financial capability, and career readiness — you have the tools to bring meaningful remote learning to students.
ACTE site of classroom resources geared toward CTE. Training to perform online learning is available for CTE teachers through ACTE HERE. Use code MK-CTE to train fro free through May 31, 2020.
A huge lesson bank of CTE resources here: You can search 11,278 videos across all CTE content areas as. Well as 16,747 lessons.
The NextGen Personal Finance Video Library resource page can be accessed (without even registering which is free) and links to a variety of videos on personal finance topics. You can access it here:
Center for the Advancement of Food Service Education. There are 10 projects and lessons here that can be used immediately. has a variety of professional learning groups : College and Career Readiness is a free professional learning community where educators can receive and share information about how to prepare students for college and careers.
The Texas Beef Council recently launched Raw Truth About Beef interactive learning platform that delivers a behind-the-scenes look at the beef production process from pasture to plate. FACS Curriculum Ag Curriculum email Audrey Denney to be added as a co-teacher in her Google Classroom and then you can copy the course into your google classroom or you can recreate the lesson in the Curriculum links above.
IL Drafting Educators Association Organization on Remote Learning Resources Google Drive folder:
Technology Education Association of Illinois Online resources can be found on here:
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Open access online resources:
The Butter Book is the most comprehensive online pastry, baking and cake decorating educational solution. It’s a new creation from world-renowned Pastry Chefs Sébastien Canonne, M.O.F., and Jacquy Pfeiffer who are also the founders of The French Pastry School.
This resource has videos, lessons, lesson planners and so many other items created by educators in CTE in California.
Special Populations Resources:
IL Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS) provides resources on working with special populations student and has some great webinars for educators on their COVID 19 RESPONSE page.
IDEA (formerly IL Computing Educators) also has resources on accessibility and they are working with eLuma to provide free online therapy sessions to special needs students
Career Exploration Resources:
This sheet contains recorded interviews with professionals in a variety of careers. Produced by the IL P-20 Network.
This site provides information on the future of work and how students today can prepare and succeed in the jobs of tomorrow. (Curriculum, videos and lots of resources. Curriculum for Middle School too!)
Statistics in Schools (SIS) of the US Census Bureau brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics and Employment Data to create materials for use year after year for K-12 students. Explore this site for engaging resources and activities in social studies, math, English, geography, sociology and more.
Rubin Education Spring 2022 "Virtual Internship" webinar series is ready to roll into your classroom with an exciting lineup of *live, free* career conversations. Each 45-minute webinar connects students with professionals from various occupations. And we have a special emphasis this year on highlighting people in non-traditional roles. Visit their YouTube page for recorded videos.