Why CTE?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares you for high-skill, high-wage, in-demand jobs.  CTE Programs can provide the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to thrive in your chosen career.   

CTE lets you explore a variety of career paths to help you decide what kind of job you want.  Classes are taught in middle school and high school and give you hands-on learning experiences while still in school.

Enhanced Problem-Solving

CTE classes build technical skills and a solid knowledge base with challenging coursework.


CTE Career Pathways

Sequences of coursework and experiences directly connected to real job opportunities.


Build Upon Your Personal Traits

Participating in “hands-on” opportunities

increases your personal talents and abilities.


Better Self-Image

With improved abilities your confidence and self-esteem rise improving your chances to be successful.


Earn While You Learn

Jump start your career in high school by

learning skills and earning credentials.


Be a Leader 

Career and Technical Education Student

Organizations offer you the opportunity

to gain leadership and social skills through regional competitions and community service.


CTE classes can provide opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials and  college credit while still in high school. Examples of industry-based certifications include: CNA- Certified Nurse Assistant, Microsoft Office Specialist, Food Handler, and OSHA 10 Hour Safety.

 As a CTE student you may participate in work-based learning, engage with mentors, and join Career & Technical Student Organizations such as: FCCLA, FFA, FBLA, SkillsUSA and others.  On average over 250,000 middle and high school students a year in Illinois participate in CTE Programs. 

Research on CTE