College and Career Pathways
This page is currently underdevelopment.....
Our office welcomes Larry Lilly, EdS of LDL Connections who works out of our office to support all EIEFES districts to set up thier own College and Career Pathway Endorsements as required by state statue (110 ILCS 148/80). Larry is available to discuss the process, the data elements, the paperwork, and assist your district with the application.
Several links and lots of College and Career Pathway Endorsement information can be found on the ISBE College and Career Pathway Endorsement web page. (The Resources section on the left sidebar of this web page includes the newly updated PWR Platform Guidebook for CCPE and the newly updated PWR Platform Walkthrough Video.)
CCPE Application Update Webinar Recording
CCPE Application Update Webinar Slides
The P20 Network is a state organization who is leading the charge in helping schools form CCPEs. This group has a lot of resources and professional development opportunities. We encourage everyone to join the Illinois P-20 Network Career Pathways User Group .
P20 Network Webpage
Our office is exploring the possibility of providing SchoolLinks for all EIEFES districts. This program assists with career exploration, student workplace experience, college exploration, career planning, data tracking and so much more.
SchoolLinks Short Video from Crystal Lake Student Services Dept to their School Board - this video provides information on why they are using it for career exploration, how they are using it with students, the results they see from student assessments, how students can dive into careers they may have matched with, the parent view, setting career/college goals, resume writing as well as a local employer database with a business profile and current job/internship openings.