iCTE- Improving Career & Technical Education
EIEFES is now offering short, online sessions on various topics affecting CTE in our region. These topics affect a variety of educators and all are encouraged to participate in any topic of interest to you. 1 PDU is offered to participants of the live session who register in advance. (We apologize for the poor quality of our videos - we are working on improving them in the future!)
Session 7: iCTE: Getting Started with Realityworks Online Employability Skills Program Merri Johnson, Account Manager with Realityworks
This session will cover how to implement the online Employability Skills Program at your School including an overview of the program, the importance of Soft Skills, how to use the Instructor Guide, assign and receive lessons, and a demonstration of the program. This program was purchased by Lake Land College and the EIEFES Office through FY 2026 and is free to our districts!
Session 7 recording can be viewed here . Visit the Program website to log in at: https://sms.realityworks.com/ Visit here to get some implementation resources.
Session 6: iCTE: Using Advisory Committees to Improve CTE - March 17, 2021 Laura Sullivan, Director, Eastern Illinois Education for Employment System 340 and Laura Roberts, Print Media Technology/Graphic Arts Instructor, Mattoon High School
This session will cover information on how to set up a program advisory committee, why they are needed in CTE, and how they can benefit your program and students.
Session 6 recording can be viewed here. View handouts: http://bit.ly/iCTEAdvisory and Laura R's Prezi here. View the ISCPS Advisory Committee Handbook here.
Session 5: iCTE: CTE Programs of Study and Program Approval Changes - February 11, 2021, Laura Sullivan, Director, Eastern Illinois Education for Employment System 340
This session will cover ISBE changes to CTE Program Approval as well as some course alignment changes. This session will help educators in determining the best sequence of courses to use to maximize CTE grant funding.
Session 5 recording can be viewed here. Print Handouts: http://bit.ly/ICTEPOS
Session 4: iCTE: How to Use Career Cruising grades 6-12 - January 21, 2021, Sally Shawver, Project Coordinator, Eastern Illinois Education for Employment System 340
This session will provide participants with a brief overview of both the Student and Administrator sides of Career Cruising. This is a free resources provided to our districts with CTE grant funds. Career Cruising is a great way to help students match their interests with career ideas and meet one of the required College and Career Readiness Indicators.
Session 4 recording can be viewed here. View the powerpoint here. View additional Career Cruising resources here.
Session 3: iCTE: Using Labor Market Data to Support CTE using JobsEQ - January 20, 2021, Wilson Cox, Senior Account Manager with Chmura JobsEQ
This session will provide an overview of using the ISBE supported Chmura Jobs EQ online system. The system provides districts access to see a variety of labor market data points including, occupation forecasts, wage forecasts, skills gap, open positions as well as the names of local employers who are hiring. This is a great resource to inform curriculum changes, enhance rigor, discover employers who are looking for employees and connect your students with them!
Session 3 resources can be easily found by logging into your school's account and clicking on Training & Resources at the bottom of the Home Screen. This is an on-demand training available through JobsEQ.
Session 2: iCTE: College & Career Readiness Overview, Amanda Mendez, Guidance Counselor - Argenta-Oreana Middle & High School
This Session will provide information and documents regarding the College & Career Readiness initiatives from ISBE and their relationship to the PaCE Framework from ISAC. We will discuss how a student can be deemed College & Career Ready and how the State will collect the data from school districts. This Session is appropriate for School Counselors, Principals, and any staff who work with CCRI student data.
View Session 2 recording here. View handouts here.
Session 1: iCTE: Strengthening Career and Technical Education, Laura Sullivan, Director of Eastern IL Education for Employment System 340
The Session will provide an update on Career and Technical Education Programs of Study, obtaining grant support, improving student academic and technical skills and additional resources provided by EIEFES. The Session is appropriate for CTE Instructors, Counselors, Principals, and any staff who work with CTE students.