LNA/CLNA Support

Join the EIEFES Office for in-person or online office hours for assistance:

In person on Friday February 2 at 9am or 1pm .  Register HERE by January 31

Or join us for help during the Deep Dive Sessions on March 11, 12 or 13.


Local Needs Assessment - Due March 31, 2024

Comprehensive Needs Assessment - Completed by EIEFES - Due April 30, 2024

Important Tips:

Detailed Resources for LNA:

Local Needs Assessment- This step reviews student data, PDR data, economic data, and stakeholder input which allows for your district's reflection and plans for improvement in CTE Programs. 

PAPER REPORT: HERE are the questions asked in the Spring 2024 Local Needs Assessment.   Use this to guide the information your district needs to collect. 

SYSTEM HELP DOCUMENT: The step-by-step Program Support Document is here. (Remember schools will complete the LNA and EIEFES will complete the CLNA)


CHECK THIS OUT!  EIEFES has provided answer prompts and sample responses HERE

LWIA 23 Region 7 - Labor Market Information Reports from FY2024  are found HERE. All schools are in Region 7 except for Douglas County schools who are in Region 2.  Additional labor market data is posted on IL WorkNet, https://www.illinoisworknet.com/WIOA/RegPlanning

ISBE Power BI: new data tool from ISBE that provides student data regionally, by district, and by high school.  Our EFE performance data is tied to these reports and we must write our grants to support the improvement of any data elements not meeting goals.  You can look at the data tools here:

Perkins Measures FY21           Perkins Measures FY22       Perkins Measures FY23

Lake Land College's Institutional Research site has a variety of data elements regarding postsecondary education and the workforce. Dr. Bullock's Data for Decision Maker's report found  here and LLC's 21-22 Trend Analysis Report 

IL School Report Card:  Use your District report card for access to special populations data and test score data to compare your district to others.

The Last Step is Completed by EIEFES

Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment:  Completed by EIEFES.  Our office will see all local data submitted by districts in IWAS once all schools have completed their portion.  Our office will complete the CLNA as the first step to writing our state and federal grants.

All information provided by ISBE to assist with this process can be found on their website: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Career-Technical-Education.aspx#  Click on PDR Documents under the News and Updates.

This is still a new process for us too.  Please be patient as we learn what is needed by ISBE to perfect our grants through this process.  Feel free to contact our office with any questions or support!

Stakeholder Data Results from 2020  - no responses collected 2022

Here are the current responses from the Stakeholder survey in a pdf format.  As of 2/18/2020, there are 20 respondents.

Stakeholder Survey

The 2022 Stakeholder Survey was sent to our Regional Program Boards, Chambers of Commerce, and posted on social media.  We did not collect any responses.

Stakeholder Survey 2022

ACTE Resources to Promote CTE

The Learning that Works Resource Center on the Association for Career and Technical Education website had a lot of resources to help schools and teachers with gathering information and supporting CTE in your schools.  Check out this site here: https://careertech.org/resources/about-resource-center